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The Body Channel MP3s

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Acquired Immune Deficiency MP3
Run Time: 16m51s
Immunodeficiency is a state in which the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease and cancer is compromised or entirely absent.

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SKU: immune_deficiency
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  • Run Time: 16m51s
    Immunodeficiency is a state in which the immune system's ability to fight infectious disease and cancer is compromised or entirely absent. Most cases of immunodeficiency are acquired ("secondary") due to extrinsic factors that affect the patient's immune system. Examples of these extrinsic factors include environmental factors, such as nutrition. In the clinical setting, the immunosuppression by some drugs, such as steroids, can be either an adverse effect or the intended purpose of the treatment. Various hormonal and metabolic disorders can also result in immune deficiency including anemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes and hypoglycemia. Let’s boost our immune system to be PROficient instead of deficient.
    Previously a part of the 2022 Fortify Your Defenses Series
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