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Female Reproductive Health MP3 Set
  • Female Reproductive Organ Reboot MP3 (2021): Run time: 34m19s
    A comprehensive female reproductive organ support MP3, where Lynn moves through each part of the reproductive system with energetic support to bring optimal health for each organ.

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SKU: female_repro
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    • Female Reproductive Organ Reboot MP3 (2021): Run time: 34m19s
      A comprehensive female reproductive organ support MP3, where Lynn moves through each part of the reproductive system with energetic support to bring optimal health for each organ. Additionally, Lynn cleans out any embedded stressors and TFE’s (thoughts, feelings and emotions) in your reproductive organs that are causing you pain and discomfort.
      Previously a part of the 2021 Monthly Call Series.

    • Reproductive Detox MP3 (2017): Run time: 54m59s
      Lynn moves through both the Male and Female Reproduction Systems to clear:
      • Family and Genetics affecting your reproductive system
      • STD’s
      • Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions (TFE’s) associated with Sex Traumas
      • UTI’s and Infections
      • General TFE’s
      • + She does a physical detox of both the male and female reproductive systems
      Previously part of the Fertility Series, Male Reproductive Series and Women’s Reproductive Series

    • Endometriosis MP3 (2017): Run time: 14m34s
      An MP3 to aid the painful symptoms of Endometriosis, its causes and health of your uterine lining. Lynn also provides clearings for endometrial polyps and endometriosis effects on your menstrual cycle.
      Previously a part of the 2017 Female Reproductive Health Series.

    • Painful Menstrual Cycle & Period Problems MP3 (2017): Run Time: 10m 54s
      This Remote Remedy works with energies surrounding causes of painful cycles such as Endometriosis, PID, Fibroids, Hormones and More. Plus, Lynn addresses absent periods, cramping, Iron and mineral loss from period and TFE’s that you have surrounding PMS.
      Previously a part of the 2017 Female Reproductive Health Series

    • Vaginal Microbiome MP3 (2022): Run Time: 17m41s
      Vaginal flora, vaginal microbiota or vaginal microbiome are the microorganisms that colonize the vagina. The amount and type of bacteria present have significant implications for a woman's overall health. This MP3 aids in the balance of healthy bacteria and pH levels and combats Bacterial Vaginosis Symptoms.
      Previously recorded in 2022.
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