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Lynn Waldrop's Sessions Packages

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5D Awakening 6 Week Series
AM Awakening @ 8:30 am EST or Afternoon Awakening @ 4:30 pm EST How would you like to get 6 sessions for the price of one starting in March?! Lynn is so excited to offer this BRAND NEW series of sessions!

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SKU: 5D_Awaken_Sess
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  • AM Awakening @ 8:30 am EST or Afternoon Awakening @ 4:30 pm EST How would you like to get 6 sessions for the price of one starting in March?! Lynn is so excited to offer this BRAND NEW series of sessions! How would you like to get 6 sessions of work for the price of one? Would you like to TRULY start embodying the 5D reality and have a new expansive & joyful experience in life? What does it mean to awaken into the 5D reality? Bodies around the planet are in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which you can walk thru the Life around you (chaos many times) still with a sense of love, compassion & peace. We will awaken your body to new possibilities of 5D whole body health - if you are READY for an intensive personal 6-week journey!!! This Series includes working with a small group of 5D Passengers each week on topics affecting upgrading your personal grid for your life, health, abundance, relationships and more (maximum of 20 in the group to keep it intimate yet use the synergy of a group all focusing their energies on the same topics and outcomes). Lynn is offering 6 weeks of 25 minute small group sessions with a target of 15 minutes to process and clean out old and 10 minutes for questions and conversation on that day’s topics to create EVEN MORE healing. As always you will have input as to the topic’s content! Are you ready to let go of all the fears and worries about things like money, the future, health, longevity, relationships, family? Join the live sessions from around the world and create a powerful group energy to AWAKEN you & YOUR 5D Body and reality! Join Lynn for this 6 week series adventure today for ONLY $250!!! *please note there is 10 person minimum for this series to begin and we will schedule days of the week once we compile the participants list and how many series are needed and what timezones people the participants are in.
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